“A Worn Path” is the story of all the vicissitudes, difficulties and problems that an old black woman had in her path. In the story, this woman, named Phoenix had to pass a hard path to arrive to the town to get a medicine for her grandson who is sick. During the woman path, the story presents some themes as: necessity, prejudices, difficulties in life, and acceptance and recognition of something (can be the destiny or the chances).
The necessities are expressed in the old woman appearance. When the narrator describes her and told that she used an umbrella as her cane, that she took the hunters dime, that she lived too far of the town and had to pass a terrible path to arrive to the town, and when the nurse give her the medicine and another dime.
The prejudices and the rejection are presented in the situation with the hunter and when the woman was in the town for how some people there treat her. She was prejudiced for how she looks, for her age, and for her personality. She was prejudices by the hunter for her race, her skin color, for many reasons she was prejudiced and treated bad.
During the story, in many events, the narrator shows us Phoenix thinking and recognizing her life conditions. It shows us her as poor. Also she (the character) declared she was very old and uneducated, and that she live far away of the town and she had to take a hard path. I believe that the animals, trees and branches and she found in her path represent those things that we find in our paths, in our life.
I believe the title of the story is both, literal and symbolic. Literal, by the way, the path, that the woman had to cross to arrive to her wished destiny, and symbolic because it mean the path of our life, the things, the difficulties that we pass through our life.
The necessities are expressed in the old woman appearance. When the narrator describes her and told that she used an umbrella as her cane, that she took the hunters dime, that she lived too far of the town and had to pass a terrible path to arrive to the town, and when the nurse give her the medicine and another dime.
The prejudices and the rejection are presented in the situation with the hunter and when the woman was in the town for how some people there treat her. She was prejudiced for how she looks, for her age, and for her personality. She was prejudices by the hunter for her race, her skin color, for many reasons she was prejudiced and treated bad.
During the story, in many events, the narrator shows us Phoenix thinking and recognizing her life conditions. It shows us her as poor. Also she (the character) declared she was very old and uneducated, and that she live far away of the town and she had to take a hard path. I believe that the animals, trees and branches and she found in her path represent those things that we find in our paths, in our life.
I believe the title of the story is both, literal and symbolic. Literal, by the way, the path, that the woman had to cross to arrive to her wished destiny, and symbolic because it mean the path of our life, the things, the difficulties that we pass through our life.
Good insight here, Normari. Do you think Phoenix -the name-has another meaning?